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La sezione ufficiale dedicata a DaVinci Resolve.

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Disponibile un nuovo aggiornamento di DaVinci Resolve 15: ... and-fusion

Questo aggiornamento migliora la riproduzione del viewer con le GPU Intel sui sistemi Windows, la funzione multicam quando si usa il timecode ora del giorno, i controlli di posizionamento, e il rendering delle clip ridimensionate e con canale alfa. Inoltre corregge un errore occasionale in cui le thumbnail delle clip mostravano un fotogramma offline. DaVinci Resolve 15.2.2 ottimizza l’automazione di Fairlight e la denominazione della traccia, la stabilità di Fusion, e l’importazione accurata delle clip nei formati FLAC, PNG, e Panasonic VariCam. L’update migliora anche prestazione e stabilità del software. Questa versione richiede una chiavetta DaVinci Resolve o un codice di attivazione del software.

What's new in DaVinci Resolve 15.2.2
  • Added an option to start remote rendering from the project manager context menu
  • Addressed an issue where switching to the Fusion page in dual screen mode would sometimes cause artefacts in the user interface
  • Addressed an issue with Intel GPUs on Windows where the viewer would show black frames on playback and cause crashes
  • Addressed an issue where some MacOS laptops with Intel GPUs would cause a crash on start up
  • Addressed an issue where clicking through media pool thumbnails for certain codecs would sometimes show an offline frame
  • Addressed an issue where creating multicam clips from clips with time of day timecode would sometimes cause a crash
  • Addressed an issue where position controls in the Inspector would sometimes show incorrect limits
  • Addressed an issue where render cache for clips with alpha or cropping would show incorrect results
  • Addressed an issue where applying an output sizing preset would sometimes show incorrect power window positions on the viewer
  • Addressed an issue where some OpenFX and ResolveFX plugins would not work correctly for clips with custom output scaling
  • Addressed an issue where selecting a marker from the marker list in the Color page viewer would sometimes cause a crash on Windows
  • Addressed an issue where playing back a timeline with a large number of markers in the Color page would impact playback performance
  • Addressed an issue where the context menu for Color page thumbnails would not show the selected clip group
  • Addressed an issue where splitting an audio clip with cached audio effects would result in incorrect audio during playback
  • Addressed an issue where deleting a bus would not delete plugins associated with that bus
  • Improved behavior for FairlightFX Distortion
  • Addressed an issue where clips with FairlightFX Echo applied would not playback correctly after an application restart
  • Addressed an issue where playback for clips with FairlightFX Reverb would sometimes produce artifacts when replaying the clip
  • Addressed an issue where writing multiple automation parameters simultaneously would sometimes cause gaps in the automation in the Fairlight timeline
  • Addressed an issue where transitions would sometimes be drawn incorrectly in the Fairlight timeline
  • Addressed an issue where loading audio clips with unsupported sample rates would cause a crash
  • Addressed an issue where video tracks could not be hidden on the Fairlight page
  • Addressed an issue where moving audio tracks up or down in the Fairlight timeline would not preserve its hidden state
  • Addressed an issue where video track names edited from the Fairlight page would not be persisted correctly across application restarts
  • Addressed an issue where custom shortcuts would not be correctly reflected in the Fairlight timeline context menu
  • Addressed an issue where loading a project with video and audio scrollers enabled would sometimes cause a crash
  • Addressed an issue where loading specific Fusion compositions would cause a crash
  • Addressed an issue where rotoscoping using the BSpline tool in the Fusion page would sometimes cause a crash
  • Addressed an issue where editing offsets of Media In nodes in a Fusion clip would sometimes cause previews in the Fusion page to flicker between cached and uncached images
  • Addressed an issue where importing some FLAC audio clips would cause a crash
  • Addressed an issue where importing some PNG files would cause a crash
  • Addressed an issue where some Panasonic VariCam clips with multiple audio channels would be decoded with audio artefacts
  • Addressed an issue where certain QuickTime clips would sometimes show a repeated frame
  • General performance and stability improvements

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