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La sezione ufficiale dedicata ad Adobe Premiere Pro e Premiere Elements.

Moderatore: Moderatori

Ecco le novità di questa versione:
Scene Edit Detection
You can now quickly and efficiently add edit points in any footage you import into Premiere Pro. When you use Scene Edit Detection, Premiere Pro analyzes your video, detects the original edit points and automatically adds cuts or markers at each edit point within the file.

HDR for broadcasters
HDR offers wider color and light ranges that are closer to real life. With the new Rec.2100 color space, broadcasters can work with more vibrant and dynamic content.
Features included are:
- Apple ProRes and Sony XAVC-I formats are fully color managed and GPU accelerated throughout the HDR pipeline.
- Color space overrides are provided for files that have incorrect or missing metadata.
- The scopes can now be set explicitly to Rec2100 HLG allowing you to view 10bit code values, nits, or IRE.

Export with proxies
You can now choose to use proxies while exporting if you want a quick export that doesn't require full resolution media.

Other enhancements
- Premiere Pro now scans VST 3 (third-party) plugins and AU (Audio Unit) plugins multiple times faster (depending on your system set up). These plugins are automatically scanned by Premiere Pro when you launch the app the first time.
- Exporting an AAF with Breakout to Mono deselected now preserves audio channelization. For information on exporting an AAF, see Export AAF files.
Ecco l'elenco dei problemi risolti:
- Playback does not stop when waveforms expanded with smooth scrolling and multicam view enabled
- Improved location of licensing information for Stock Audio
- Improved consistency of contextual menu behavior using search bins
- Deleting an empty Audio track prevents VoiceOver from being recorded
- Hardware encoding not available on Mac when encode height is greater than 2196 pixels
- DNxHR MXF files files exported as non-standard frame size that contain display aspect ratio of 16:9 may play incorrectly in external players
- Some files that play correctly in QuickTime Player import as audio only
- Improved ProRes Multicam Playback Performance
- Twitter 1080p preset now produces higher quality outputs with match source for frame rate and higher bitrate.
- Cannot log in to Vimeo
Qui i problemi noti:
No warning dialog for unlicensed Stock Audio in Adobe Media Encoder.
Come sempre non è consigliato aggiornare durante la lavorazione di altri progetti: prima aspettare che i progetti siano terminati e successivamente aggiornare, a meno che non si installa questa versione in modo separato rispetto a quella precedente, così da averle entrambe.
Dopo l'aggiornamento (se si sovrascrive la versione precedente) è consigliato eliminare tutti i file della cache (qui viewtopic.php?f=36&t=139850 viene spiegato come).

Buona sera a tutti, ci sono inoltre miglioramenti riguardanti la stabilità e le prestazioni con l'aggiornamento di settembre 2020, versione 14.4.
- Improved Multicam performance for Apple ProRes: Premiere Pro can support up to 2x more streams, accelerating editing workflows with this widely used format. A new Auto-Adjust Multi-Camera Playback Quality preference enables automatic playback resolution adjustments for the ProRes codec, ensuring optimum performance.

- Faster Effects scanning for VST3 and Audio Unit (AU) plugins in Audition and Premiere Pro means faster launch times for users with third-party audio plugins. Effects scanning is up to 15x faster on macOS and up to 10x faster on Windows.

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