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La sezione ufficiale dedicata ad Avid Liquid.

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da silentsmoke
si si e pèrorpio vero liquid e avid hanno tirato fuori questo prodottino che pare essere incredibile. chi ha notizie faccia sapere
da vighi
mamma mia mi ero spaventato !!

la notizia è vecchissima silentsmoke .. fai una ricerca sul forum , in un POST ho addirittura messo le feature :wink:
da vighi
dimenticavo .. AVID .. non ci ha messo niente altro che il suo marchio .. il prodottino è Pinnacle al Cen per Cen !
da vighi
da milzo
New in version 7

* Integrated SmartSound support
o 44KHz bundled content.
* Native playback of WM9, DivX 5 & MPEG-4
* Native playback of muxed audio/video without the need to demux in advance: DV AVI, WM9, MPEG PS, DivX5, MJPEG AVI
* †œEZ capture† - separate tool to capture muxed files to a user-specified file location. IEEE1394 device control only. Includes content based scene detection. Capture formats: MPEG2 (DVD/SVCD), MPEG1 VCD preset, DV to MPEG, DV, HDV, DivX5
* Single monitor project layout for optimized single screen display
* RT linear timewarp, (must be the first effect on source)
* Improved and extended export: more formats & presets, easier unified UI additionally supporting DivX 5, MPEG 4, Real, etc
* RT Image Stabilizer
* Commotion Clip FX (56 effects)
o Blurs and Sharpen: Blur, Channel Blur, Edge Blur EZ, Edge Blur, Motion Blur, Radial Blur, Sharpen, Super Blur, Unsharpen Mask.
o Channel: Shift Channels
o Color Correct: Color Balance HLS, Color Balance RGB, Color Map, Replace Color, Tint.
o Distort: Corner Pin, Hall of Mirrors, Mirage, Turbulence, Turbulence EZ, Turbulent Edges.
o Image Control: Brightness and Contrast, Invert, Levels, Posterize, Threshold.
o Keying: BlueScreen Key, Color Key, GreenScreen Key, LumiKey, Smooth Screen, Spill Killer, Spill Killer EZ.
o Matte: Edge Finder, Edge Finder EZ, Matte Feather, Matte Feather EZ, Matte Feather Sharp.
o Noise: Channel Noise, Median, MinMax, Noise
o Particles : Fractal Clouds, Fractal Fire, Fractal Tunnel
o Stylize : Alpha Ramp, Drop Shadow, Emboss, Framer, Grunge, Mosaic, Real Shadows, Video Feedback.
o Video: Broadcast Safe Colors, Field Blend, Field Swap.
* New RT effects: DreamGlow, Soften, DuoChrome, Lighting, RGB Color Balance, White Balance, Turbulent Edges
* Studio 10 project import (Studio 9 projects must be converted to 10 first)
* SD output of HD timelines with RT downcovert on Avid Liquid Pro breakout box - requires latest graphics driver (ATI catalyst 5/10)
* Fullscreen monitoring on 2nd DVI head (monitors must be identical resolution)
* Timecode display in separate sizeable floating window
* WMV (XPM) surround 5.1 export
* Scaling size and aspect in clip properties
* Capture from JVC GY-HD 100 with 720/25p (no 24p or rec to tape support)
* Separate insert buttons for Overwrite/Filmstyle
* Clean up (trash can functions in project menu)
* †œBroadcast Option† features included in all products †“ MXF support, P2 support, XDCAM support

Supported hardware: :ballo:

New Forum Avid Liquid 7

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