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La sezione ufficiale dedicata a Vegas Pro e Vegas Movie Studio HD.

Moderatore: Moderatori

da Yarin VooDoo

disponibile l'UPDATE 3 (Build 458), il terzo update ufficiale per Vegas Pro 19.

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Ancora novità per VEGAS Pro 19 che introduce una nuova transizione basata su GL TRANSITION PACKAGE, potente linguaggio di programmazione per la creazione di effetti di transizione.
Questa nuova transizione porta circa 50 effetti moderni e personalizzabili.

Altra utile novità e l'avviso automatico di aggiornamento dei driver della propria GPU per garantire prestazioni e compatibilità, inoltre è stata ripristinata la possibilità di attivare il precedente plugin SMART UPSCALE tramite il tab DEPRECATED FEATURES nelle preferenze, così da mantenere piena compatibilità con progetti iniziati con la precedente versione di VEGAS Pro.

New Features
  • A new transition type based on the GL Transitions Package offers around 50 modern, customizable transitions
  • The option to save RAW companion files along with media files when creating a Project Archive
  • GPU driver alerts
  • Detect some media formats that are known to perform poorly during editing and display a message that encourages the user to transcode that media into a more edit-friendly format
  • Access to the previously removed Smart Upscale plugin via the Deprecated Features tab in the Preferences dialog box
Bug Fixes
  • Search in the Video FX, Transitions and Media Generators windows now shows the appropriate presets at all times
  • Control focus issues in the Color Grading panel have been fixed
  • Fixed syncing issues with VEGAS Content so downloaded content appears in the appropriate folder
  • Selecting "Open Folder" in the Explorer pane now properly selects the target file in Windows Explorer
  • Updated certain logging components that triggered a warning from some anti-virus software
  • Can now correctly load MPEG-2 media with PCM audio in a MOV container
  • Fixed an issue which caused the FX editor to move when being resized
  • Fixed an issue which caused the Slow Motion plugin to overload some GPUs
  • Some HEVC files from VEGAS Content which previously failed to load now work properly
  • The Explorer pane now remembers the selected sorting order
  • Moving the mouse wheel while controlling a color wheel in the Color Grading panel no longer incorrectly moves the Luminance slider at the same time
  • Moving the mouse wheel in the Color Grading panel now shifts focus to the appropriate control
  • VEGAS now appropriately closes the Color Grading panel when opening a different layout
  • The Render As dialog now always opens with a template selected
  • The Pan/Crop editor now opens with an appropriate zoom level
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when clicking on the 360 tab in the Video FX window
  • Style Transfer now works on TGS/DG1 GPUs
  • Proper positioning of the transition times readout in an event when the event is out of sync with its corresponding audio or video
  • Tiny Planet plugin now works properly as a Media FX and as a pre-Pan/Crop event effect
  • Track numbers are now displayed when a track is minimized
  • Track header burger menu options are now also available in the track header context menu
  • VEGAS Pro now automatically detects Sound Forge Pro 15 and Sound Forge Audio Studio 15 and sets the one detected as the preferred audio editor

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