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La sezione ufficiale dedicata a Vegas Pro e Vegas Movie Studio HD.

Moderatore: Moderatori

da Yarin VooDoo

Disponibile per il download il secondo Update per VEGAS Pro 22.
Il download è possibile tramite la finestra popup che appare nel software all'avvio oppure tramite il menu HELP > CHECK FOR SOFTWARE UPDATE.

La lista di miglioramenti e bugfix è decisamente lunga, rendendo il software ancora più stabile e veloce, ma ci sono anche importanti novità come il nuovo Assistente basato su IA (che richiede l'installazione separata) che consente di creare storyboard e timeline basati su prompt testuali con anche la possibilità di popolare la timeline con contenuti stock coerenti con lo storyboard, la nuova funziona AUTO-NORMALIZE che consente di normalizzare gli eventi audio in modo automatico quando un lungo evento audio viene splittato in altri più piccoli, mentre con il NORMALIZE standard viene applicata una normalizzazione unica a tutto l'evento audio e anche in caso di split la normalizzazione non viene ricalcolata.

Aggiunto anche il nuovo AUTO-DUCKING che consente di creare una curva di variazione del volume su una o più tracce audio in base ad un'altra traccia audio, così da effettuare il modo chiaro ed efficace il ducking, ad es., di più tracce musicali in base ad una traccia di parlato.
In ultimo, vari miglioramenti per il Multicam Audio Sync.

  • AI Assistant (requires separate feature installer)
  • Auto Normalize:
    This new video-event switch automatically recalculates the normalization for an event after you edit that event. Several different edits could trigger this recalculation. For example, with the traditional Normalize switch active, when you split an event, the normalization of the second resulting event remains the same as it was before the split. With the Auto Normalize switch active, when you make that split, VEGAS recalculates the normalization of both events. Or, if you trim an event to eliminate all the media's highest peaks, the remainder will renormalize. The Auto Normalize switch makes it possible to edit audio events with the assurance that the normalization recalculates and updates based on the audio that remains so you don’t have to renormalize automatically after each edit.
  • Auto-ducking:
    This feature provides the ability to automatically “duck” the volume of one or more tracks based upon the audio present in one or more other tracks. As a simple example, you can set a narration track as an Auto-duck Control track. This creates a new Auto-duck control envelope on that track based upon the amplitude of the audio present on the track. You can then establish a “listening” relationship between the control track and another track that contains other audio, like music. When you play your project, the listener track’s volume reacts to the volume changes that the control envelope dictates. You can use this to create a hard duck to a level you specify, or a sophisticated duck map that reacts to the varying volume levels of the control track according to parameters you set.
  • Multicam Audio Sync enhancements
Improvements and Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a crash which could occur when rendering with the Media Generators Properties dialog open
  • The Insert Subtitles from File feature now properly quantizes to frames with that feature active
  • XDCAM-EX renders from 32bit pixel format projects are no longer compressed to studio level color space
  • VEGAS no longer shows QSV render templates on systems that don’t support QSV rendering
  • Improvements to Text-based Editing when splitting events
  • Fixed a problem in Speech to Text where subtitles do not line up with the audio
  • Fixed a Quantize to Frames problem which could occur when importing multiple files at once
  • Fixed improper analysis in the Auto ReFrame plugin that could occur on some Intel based machines
  • Fixed a timeline Loop Region and Cursor issue
  • Removed duplicate entries in the AV1 Custom Settings dialog’s Bitrate field
  • 8-bit monochrome media levels are now correct in 32-bit full-range projects
  • Fixed an issue where the proper aspect ratio was not correctly applied for some MXF files
  • Improvements to BRAW decoder
  • Updated the MP3 decoder
  • Improved GPU and compatibility support for AVC/MPEG transport streams
  • Fixed a problem where some MP3 files played back with no audio
  • Selective Pre-render no longer causes a color shift
  • Fixed a crash which could occur when the user clicks the Preferences dialog’s Apply button during a VST scan
  • Fixed certain double-click issues in the new Explorer window
  • Improved performance in the new Explorer window when a folder has a large number of files
  • Fixed a problem with unlabeled items in the Customize Toolbar and Customize Timeline Toolbar dialogs
  • AV1 files can now be decoded via supported Intel GPUs
  • Improvements when creating proxies of for project files in the Explorer window
  • Fixed a crash which could occur when attempting to import media that VEGAS doesn't support
  • Updated our list of supported Waves VST plugins
  • Automation with the Mesh Warp plugin now works properly
  • Improvements to Trimmer window click-and-drag behavior
  • Added an error message which pops up for invalid media files
  • Added Breadcrumb navigation in the Explorer window
  • Pre-crop keyframes now work properly for still-image media
  • Pressing the Default All button in the File I/O preferences now properly sets the correct default hardware decoder
  • Timecode metadata is now read and used by VEGAS Pro consistent with how older versions of VEGAS Pro read this information
  • VEGAS Pro now plays the PCM audio stream of HEVC media
  • Video Preview window status readouts no longer flicker during playback
  • The Media Properties dialog now properly reports the media format for Transport Steam files
  • Fixed an MP3 render crash that could occur when using customized settings
  • Fixed a crash on render that could occur with projects that contained offline, but unused media in the media pool
  • Media with rotation metadata information is now imported correctly
  • Fixed a hang that could occur after applying Motion Tracking
  • Added an error message to inform a user when they attempt to drag and drop an unsupported file via the Explorer window
  • Action buttons for items in the explorer window are now properly shown regardless of state of the display
  • Improved the icon set for the Explorer window
  • Explorer window properly refreshes the Favorites folder when necessary
  • Beat and Tempo detection options are now disabled for offline media
  • UI no longer unnecessarily resets when moving an event with the numeric keypad
  • More precise mouse behavior when in the Timeline Selection Mode
  • Aspect ratio is now properly detected for all HEVC files
  • Fixed crash which may occur when zooming in on an event containing a PNG file with the Pan/Crop tool
  • M4A files can now again be added to a project
  • Creating a mask in the Pan/Crop tool now works as expected when the Preview window is set to "preview" quality
  • Fixed crash which may occur during rendering when using the Smart Deinterlace setting
Known issues:
  • ATRAC support removed
  • Red-eye reduction has been removed

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