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La sezione ufficiale dedicata a DaVinci Resolve.

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per uniformità con gli altri topic aperti per le varie versioni della BETA, ecco il topic per la BETA 6 di DaVinci Resolve 14.
Download: ... and-fusion

Probabilmente siamo a fine della fase beta perchè le novità stavolta sono veramente tante, a partire, finalmente, dal supporto alla codifica AC3 per i file MTS, cosa che limitava non poco l'uso di Resolve soprattutto per coloro che devono necessariamente utilizzare anche contenuti AVCHD.

Questa beta pubblica offre il supporto per la riproduzione audio all’interno di timeline nidificate e di clip composte, e per la codifica dei file MTS con audio AC-3. Consente di renderizzare più bus audio sulla pagina di consegna Deliver, e migliora la compatibilità con i metadati dei file Cinema DNG e QuickTime, e con lo spazio colore RED Wide Gamut e la gamma Log3G10 in DaVinci Resolve Color Management. Inoltre ottimizza le prestazioni generali di sistema. DaVinci Resolve 14 Studio include tutte le funzioni della versione gratuita e in più vanta decine di filtri Resolve FX, tra cui riconoscimento facciale e ritocco del viso evoluti, collaborazione multiutente, elaborazione 4K e superiore con frame rate fino a 120fps, effetti del mosso, riduzione del rumore temporale e spaziale, strumenti 3D e molto altro.

New items in this beta
  • Added basic support for audio playback from nested timelines and compound clips in the timeline
  • Added support for rendering multiple buses in the Deliver page
  • Added support for AC-3 audio in MTS and Quicktime files on Windows and Mac
  • Added support for additional clip metadata in CinemaDNG files, including shutter, ISO, focal length and lens information
  • Added support for viewing location metadata for QuickTime clips with geotagging
  • Added support for viewing location metadata on Blackmagic Design CinemaDNG clips
  • Improved playback performance of 10-bit 4K H.264 media
  • Improved audio decoding and scrubbing performance for compressed audio codecs
  • Added support for an option to switch between overwrite mode and layering mode when editing audio clips
  • Added support for onboarding in DaVinci Resolve 14
  • Added support for RED Wide Gamut colorspace and Log3G10 gamma in Resolve Color Management
  • Added options for simple tone mapping in Resolve FX Gamut Mapping to compress/expand the default mapping
  • Improved controls for the Face Refinement plugin including finer tint control, upper lip smoothening and aging effects
  • Added support for manual IP configuration for DaVinci Mini panels
  • Added a media pool option to only Show Clips with Audio or Show All Clips in the Fairlight page
  • Added ability to access the Bus Assign dialog in the Deliver page
  • Added support for manually updating thumbnails in the Project Manager
  • Added support to ARRI look (CDL + LUT) for Alexa SXT Quicktime clips
  • Improved color match behavior for X-Rite Color Checker Classic color chart
  • Added support for Two-up/Four-up editing previews to show the composited view when trimming against a gap
  • Reorganized the Workspace menu
  • Addressed an issue where scrolling vertically on the Edit page may cause some clips to be invisible
  • Addressed an issue in the Fairlight page where fade-in and fade-out handles of the same audio clip could be dragged to overlap one another
  • Addressed issues with mouse actions on locked tracks on the Fairlight page
  • Addressed an issue where the state of the Dim Volume mode would not be persisted across an application restart
  • Addressed an issue where playback was stopped when finishing the recording of an audio clip
  • Addressed an issue where enabling automation for a stereo track would create a 5dB offset between the left and right channels
  • Addressed an issue where clips could not be dragged into some tracks in the Fairlight page after a project load
  • Addressed inconsistent behavior when selecting or editing clips in locked tracks in the Fairlight page
  • Addressed an issue where stepping frames in the source viewer would not play audio
  • Addressed an issue where playing clips with audio tracks from a network drive would result in audio artifacts
  • Addressed an issue where editing the In/Out points of a timeline audio clip in the source viewer would not work
  • Addressed a crash when adding adaptive tracks of more than 8 channels
  • Addressed an issue where crossfades placed on clips on the top layer would not fade across layers
  • Addressed an issue where changing a track name in the Fairlight page would not reflect on the Edit page
  • Addressed an issue where marking and deleting a portion of an audio-video clip would leave the right side unlinked
  • Addressed an issue where adding a timeline clip to the timeline via the timeline viewer overlay would sometimes cause a crash
  • Addressed inconsistent behavior when editing linked clips with Linked Selection turned on/off
  • Addressed inconsistent behavior with snapping of audio clips in the Edit page
  • Addressed an issue with the SDI output when performing a Timeline Compare
  • Addressed a crash when decomposing multiple compound clips in place
  • Addressed a crash when using some Red Giant Universe OFX plugins on Windows
  • Addressed an issue where adding a clip to a new color group invalidated its render cache
  • Addressed a sensitivity issue with Editing sizing controls on the DaVinci Resolve Mini panel
  • Addressed an issue where grading controls on DaVinci Mini Panels would become unresponsive in the Cinema Viewer mode in a Collaboration project
  • Addressed an issue where opening a collaboration project with a different Resolve version would log out existing users
  • Addressed an issue where the Advanced stabilizer would not produce good results on retimed clips
  • Addressed an issue where performing window tracking would sometimes jump to the next clip
  • Addressed an where the stabilization would only get applied to one eye on a stereoscopic 3D timeline
  • Addressed an issue with generating LUTs in Resolve Color Management, ACES and ACEScc projects
  • Addressed an issue with the ResolveFX match move plugin where on-screen controls temporarily became unresponsive after loading a saved project
  • Addressed an issue where having both the Gallery and OpenFX visible in low resolution screens led to overlapping UI elements
  • Addressed an issue where dragging bins between media pool windows would not work
  • Addressed an issue where changes to a clip’s Dynamic Zoom would not invalidate its render cache
  • Addressed an issue where searching Media Pool entries by marker notes would cause a crash
  • Addressed an issue where floating Media Pool windows may be hidden under the main window when switching applications in Linux and Windows
  • Addressed an issue where navigating using arrow-keys in the Media Pool would not work correctly
  • Addressed an issue in Linux where Resolve would not respond after opening a Fusion Connect clip till Fusion was closed
  • Addressed an issue where the alpha channel for DNxHR 444 Quicktime clips would not be rendered on Windows and Linux
  • Addressed an issue where Resolve would sometimes crash on exit after opening some H.264 clips
  • Addressed an issue where stills would not get copied and saved correctly when performing a Save As on a project
  • Addressed an issue where playing back 23.976 fps clips in the Color page would give a warning about non-native video rates
  • Addressed an issue where a disconnected PostgreSQL database would show as incompatible
  • Addressed an issue where some render jobs would incorrectly warn of insufficient write permissions
  • Addressed an issue where copying a clip in media management copied all mattes in the project
  • Addressed an issue where Revert to Save would sometimes lead to a crash
  • Addressed an issue where the sources for an HDRx clip were inverted when grading the clip in a group
  • General performance and stability improvements

Ciao Yarin, la blackmagic ne ha intenzione di inserire nel software anche la lingua italiana, oppure solo l'inglese?

da che io sappia per il momento non sono previste localizzazioni e dubito che possano essere inserite in futuro, comunque posso provare a chiedere appena riaprono gli uffici UK a settembre.

Io continueri su questo, ormai dovremmo essere alla fine della beta, magari cambi il titolo.

Continuo qui quello che avevo chiesto:

In pratica potrebbe essere utile vedere in Resolve alcuni dati della ripresa video effettuata e registrati nei metadati del file mov della GH5.
Solo che nella sezione camera dei metadata non si vede nulla. Suppongo che visualizzi solo quelli delle camere BM...

In ogni caso, alcuni dati Exif dovrebbe visualizzarli, penso.
Per cui chiedevo se era possibile modificarne almeno uno, per inserire qualche info del file stesso + commenti.
Invece di commentare solo nel media pool di Resolve, così i dati sarebbero registrati nel file stesso, accessibile anche fuori da Resolve.
Ho visto che il programm exiftool+GUI permette di salvare modifiche alle immagini, ho provato col mov, non salva...
Qulche altro modo?
Allora, ho visto che i jpg salvati dalla GH5, importati in Resolve mostrano gli ISO e shutter. E basta.
Dai .mov invece non carica nulla, eppure ci sono guardando col prog exiftool...
Oggi apprendo che nei mov ci sono tutte queste Info.. Se resolve non le legge, c'è poco da fare (se non segnalare a BM la cosa) e per ora usarle prendendolo da exiftool...
Dunque, ho visto che si possono inserire a mano dei valori nei metadata in Resolve e poi esportare tutto il MediaPool in un file csv. Viceversa si possono pure importare da file esterno.
Poi, purtroppo, alcuni tag sono accessibili solo nella parte in alto a destra del tab Metadata, ma solo pochi sono poi visualizzabili, selezionandoli col tasto destro, sulle colonne del media pool in basso per poi poterli ordinare da crescente/decrescente.

Se interessa stavo pensando di fare un programma che estrae i dati Exif dai file video presenti in cartella/sottocartelle e crea il file csv, duplicando alcuni valori per inserirli sia nel metadata che nei tag da ordinare. Così dopo basta importarlo in Resolve e... voilà centinaia di dati per centinaia di file vengono inseriti automaticamente!
L'unico problema, bisognerà far apparire le "voci" con nomi predefiniti in Resolve anche se non centrano nulla coi valori che inserirò, servono solo per avere una colonna da poter ordinare...

Willy, potresti postarmi la copia del file txt di esportazione di ExiftoolGUI (come quello che ho postato io) su un tuo file video con Speedbooster e un'ottica EF riconosciuti entrambi dalla GH5?

Buonasera, da questa mattina abbiamo riscontrato […]

[Presentazione] ciao a tutti!

Benvenuto ROberto e ben presentato, ho inserito io[…]

se il titolo è un immagine statica imposti […]

Benvenuto , come hai capito, ti ho conformato il t[…]