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La sezione ufficiale dedicata ad Adobe Premiere Pro e Premiere Elements.

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Adobe ha rilasciato l'aggiornameno di maggio 2023 riguardante Premiere Pro.
Sono state introdotte diverse novità e tanti problemi sono stati risolti.

The 23.4 update of Premiere Pro introduces Text-Based Editing and includes important fixes and user-requested improvements like Background auto save. This update is recommended for all users.
Learn about best practices for updating Premiere Pro. ( ... e-pro.html)

Text-Based Editing
Text-Based Editing in Premiere Pro is an entirely new way of creating rough cuts that are as simple as copying and pasting text.
Start by transcribing your source footage. Then use the source transcripts to find the content you want to use in your sequence. Simply select text and click insert to add it to the Timeline. Repeat with other text passages until you've everything you want in the Timeline.
Switch to the sequence transcript to continue working on the rough cut. Copy and paste text to move clips, or delete text to remove clips.
When you are happy with the rough cut, switch to the trimming tools to fine-tune your edit.

Do you have questions about Text-Based Editing in Premiere Pro? Find answers to frequently asked questions: ... g-faq.html

Background Auto Save
The new, improved Auto Save runs in the background without interrupting your work— backups can be saved in increments as short as one minute.
Auto Save creates each backup of your project as a snapshot in time. Browse the Auto Save scratch disk folder to retrieve a specific backup. Background Auto Save will also update the original project file each time you save a backup copy.
The default location for auto-save is the same folder as the project file, but you can set a different location in Project Settings > Scratch Disks.

Transcription support for Danish
Danish speakers can now work in their own language and create transcripts for Text-Based Editing or captioning with Speech to Text.
With the addition of Danish, Text-Based Editing and Speech to Text captioning workflows are available for 17 languages around the world.
While English is included with your Premiere Pro installation, you can also download other language packs.

Dashboard for background processes
Want to see what Premiere Pro is working on? You can now access, track, and observe all background processes in one place.
The progress bar shows the status of each task module with an option to cancel the task if needed.

Smoother mouse scrolling and movement
Experience smoother scrolling and mouse movements in all Premiere Pro panels with improved support for Apple trackpads and Apple Magic Mouse.

New format support
Premiere Pro now offers support for footage shot on Sony VENICE 2 Version 2.0 and iPhone's Cinematic clips.

Fixed issues in the 23.4 update

- The Essential Sound panel could become unresponsive after performing undo or redo actions.

- Caption Track Style isn't available after saving and selecting a segment on another caption track.

- Selecting Play Around from Trim Edit mode leaves Media Pending Image in the Program Monitor.
- In Trim Edit mode, selecting an edit in the Program Monitor incorrectly updated the timeline to reflect the selected edit point.
- Timeline Display Settings were not applied to all Sequences.
- Non-supported Modify options were enabled for Timeline clips.
- Edit point selection was lost in the Timeline with trim operations.
- Guides and Rulers buttons in the Program Monitor would be disabled after exiting Trim Edit mode and going back to Composite Video view.
- Nest a Sequence within itself.
- Render preview (e.g., Render In or Render Out) did not work if the Program Monitor was set to Comparison View.

- When using a mask with an Effect or Transition, a black shape could appear on exported files.
- Incorrect output of Warp Stabilizer effect when used on scaled clips.
- Changing control parameters of the video transition did not reflect in the output after the transition was copied.
- Effects menu was not accessible when right-clicking on an effects badge with the badge overlapping a transition.
- Effect Controls panel zoom might not have been correct with the trim operation.
- Created effect preset could display the wrong thumbnail in the Effects panel.

- ProRes RAW files would display a distorted image at 1/4 resolution on Apple silicon computers.
- Some .mfx DNxHR HQX 12-bit files showed visible banding during playback.
- Some OBS-generated ProRes files with multi-channel audio experienced audio channel dropouts during playback.
- ProRes MXF files would sometimes be missing the alpha channels when imported.
- Some ProRes 4444 files would have poor playback performance if they did not contain alpha.

Stability and performance
- Licensing issues could occur with third party plugins.
- Some customers experienced a crash when no monitor was detected during playback.
- Screen tearing artifacts could appear for Windows users.
- Proxies from 120fps/119.88fps footage played sluggishly when proxies were toggled on.
- A crash could happen on a Windows computer with an AMD GPU when maximizing and minimizing the application window.
- Moving the Program Monitor between displays with different display densities could cause on-screen controls to fail.
- Adjusting the zoom bar when set to minimum zoom could cause flickering in the Timeline.
- A crash could occur while performing undo or redo actions after clearing the Audio Mix Type in the Essential Sound panel.

Team Projects
- Clearing an asset that belonged to a sequence did not generate a warning dialog.
- Collaborator could delete a locked sequence by dragging it to the trashcan.
- Adding markers to clips that were part of sequences could mark sequences as edited.
In questa versione ci sono anche novità nascoste della versione 23.3 e anche altre novità non elencate da Adobe sul sito ufficiale.
Ad esempio la mappatura automatica dei toni, rilevamento spazio colori, un nuovo strumento diagnostico che può essere attivato all'avvio di Premiere e permette anche di disattivare i plug-in di terze parti, e anche nuove transizioni che supportano l'accelerazione GPU, come (Additive dissolve, Split e Center split.
L'aggiornamento è disponibile tramite l'app Creative Cloud per tutti gli abbonati.

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